Dan Budd

I am [eighty-nine] years old. I lived in Big Piney all my life. I have a wife and [four] children. I worked on a ranch. We did most anything we could find for fun. We would slide down hills on a scoop shovel and ride horses. The first school I went to was a country school. There they had 1-8 grades. There was just one teacher. I went to school [one] month in a country school and then came to school in Big Piney. We walked to country school and rode horseback. Since we didn’t have electricity we used kerosene lamps and candles. I think the most important change in lifestyles until now was when we got the automobiles. The thing I enjoyed most was when Santa Claus came. I didn’t enjoy having to carry wood in to fill the wood box. The chores we had to do were carrying the wood and milking the cow. We had a cook stove and a heating stove that we burned wood in.

Interviewed by Gretchen Sherwood