Jim Mickelson

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Besides being born in Salt Lake I have lived in Big Piney all my life. I have one sister, Mildred Miller. Both of my brothers died. I married Mae Stewart when I was 18. I have three children, Gordon Max, Theron Lee, and Betty May. James Stewart, my oldest son, died when he was 15. I have 14 grandchildren and 35 great-grandchildren.

I have ranched all my life. I started working in the hay field when I was 6 years old. We used nothing but horses then. The ranch got its first tractor in 1945. The biggest change in my life was when machinery took the place of horses.

I went to school by riding horseback. When my sister Mildred was born we went in a horse and buggy. I went to school for two years in a little white house across from the Ray building. Then I went to school in the old Budd hall for 3 years. I went to school in a brick building where the schools are now from then on.

Interviewed by Will Miller