Please Don't Ride Buster

I think a lot of conflict in the Wild West could have been avoided if town planners had just made the towns big enough for everyone.
— Unknown.

Hello, all! We here at the GRVM figured we’d provide you with an update with the goings on at your local museum. Especially now that world events have escalated drastically over the last few weeks, it might be nice to just kick back and read about a small-town’s efforts at historical preservation.

Let’s kick it off with Buster. Buster is our horse. You’ve probably noticed him, as he is right out front of our museum proudly showing himself off. He’s pretty easy to work with; he’s patient, he doesn’t ask for much, and he’s pretty slick. But there is one thing Buster can’t stand… and that would be people climbing on him.

Most of our visitors will notice that the GRVM is right next to the bar, so you can imagine that some patrons see Buster as a challenge. He ain’t. He’s a proud employee of the GRVM. Any attempt at riding him will probably cause damage to yourself or Buster.

Buster is extremely photogenic and would love a picture or selfie with you! Other than that, just leave him to his work.


Moving on! What has the crew been up to? Well now that college has been moved online, the seasonal staff has returned early to start preparing for the (maybe) summer season. Director Clarica Pinkerton has the newsletters ready to go for April 1st. These will be available as a hard copy for those of you who ordered one, and an online copy will also be available here!

If you want to become a member and be recognized in future newsletters, go to the Donations page! OR you can go to our Patreon. This would allow you to make a reoccurring contribution.

The pandemic is yet to affect us in a huge way as of right now. Since there are so few of us, we can come into work. How are all of you doing? What can the GRVM do to make your quarantine a better experience? We’re workshopping a few ideas that we think you might like. But if you have any more ideas please leave a comment!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay cool!

Jeff Bell

Assistant Director